What is Worth Learning?
This week’s compelling question really made me think about what is worth learning. As a student, I sometimes think to myself "Why do I need to know this?" I know that there is a reason behind the material that is being taught but sometimes I question it. There are three curriculums that are taught in all schools. Those curriculums are explicit, null, & hidden curriculum. The explicit curriculum is what appears in documents and teachers' plans. The explicit curriculum is worth learning and will help students drastically. The null curriculum is what is not taught. Some teachers are unable to teach particular ideas due to a teacher’s lack of knowledge, or because of deeply ingrained assumptions and biases. The hidden curriculum has to do with how particular assumptions about schooling and learning manifest in practice. When a teacher uses Hidden curricula they are teaching students beyond the subject content of their courses. I think that the hidden curriculum is very important to learn. Overall I believe that the explicit, null, and hidden curriculum are all worth learning.
Love your post! I do that too sometimes, when I learn a new subject I ask myself why I need to learn this? What is this for, if I'm not probably not going to use this to my life? But as a teacher we are put somewhere where a subject that we are not the best at it. Then we have to learn it because we need to and it makes you think that you should have paid attention in college so that we are prepared when we are a teacher. Now I understand why teachers says 3 curriculums. Thank you giving this information, now I understand what it means.