How is teaching portrayed to the public?
The public has very high expectations from teachers. Teachers are expected to change the lives of all of their students in their classrooms and ensure that all students develop to their fullest potential. I once told someone that I am majoring in education and the response that I got was " That sounds so fun that you get to play with children all day!" I think that teaching is portrayed by the public to be an easy and simple job but in reality, teaching can be a very difficult job. As future teachers w e have to deal with people who think our job is going to be easy, we will be underpaid, and we have to deal with the stigma that teachers only teach because they can not do anything else. Teachers are held to these high expectations but they are constantly reminded by the public that they think their jobs are easy and always sunshine and rainbows. There is a quote from Rita Pierson that I think about when I let the public opinions get to me. The qu...